Top-Rated Regulatory Direct Access Barrister KC [QC]
Adrian has an enviable track record of securing outstanding results for both individuals and corporates facing the full spectrum of regulatory proceedings. His strategic advice, and robust representation when necessary, can result in avoiding proceedings altogether and avoiding ensuing reputational and financial damage.
As one of the leading criminal defence barristers and KCs, Adrian uses his defence expertise in an insightful and creative manner when engaging with regulatory cases, including appeals. As a result of his numerous regulatory case wins, Adrian has acquired legal defence expertise which has proved to be invaluable in a variety of different regulatory areas.
Unlike many direct access regulatory and professional disciplinary barristers, Adrian Eissa KC is authorised by the Bar Standards Board to conduct litigation. This means that in appropriate cases there is no need to hire a solicitor for your regulatory case thereby streamlining efficiency & client-barrister communication, as well as saving on costs.
Examples of areas in which Adrian can assist include
- Professional disciplinary proceedings
- Health and Safety prosecutions
- Proceedings in the Upper Tier Tax Tribunal
- Upper Tribunal Administrative Appeals Chamber
- Enforcement proceedings by statutory regulators such as Ofgem
- Advising electricity and green energy companies on regulatory compliance matters
- Environmental agency investigations
- Trading Standards Investigations
- Confiscation proceedings in connection with regulatory offences
His advocacy is top-drawer.
Legal 500
He makes the implausible sound plausible.
Chambers UK 2022
An excellent advocate. He has a great touch with clients.
Legal 500
Contact Top-Rated Direct Access Criminal Defence Barrister | Adrian Eissa KC
If you or a loved one would like an initial conversation about your case with one of the UK’s top-rated and most experienced and successful direct access criminal defence barristers, speak to my clerk, Daniel.
- Recorder of Crown Court 2012
- Queen’s Counsel 2018
- The Proceeds of Crime
Millington & Sutherland Williams 5th Ed, 2018. Oxford University Press, Civil Recovery Chapters - Criminal Law Week 2019
Case commentary - Fraud: A Practitioners Handbook
Bloomsbury Professional 2014 - Confiscation: A Practitioners Handbook
Bloomsbury Professional 2011
- Criminal Bar Association
- Proceeds of Crime Lawyers Association
- Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates
- Member of the Fraud Lawyers Association